Sunday, April 24, 2011

Insert Obligatory Apology Here

So here's what's up since I last posted a month ago.

First of all, I saw Rango, and it is the most epic movie since maybe Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The most epic scene is this:

Speaking of Narnia, I saw Voyage of the Dawn Treader on DVD, as well as Harry Potter and the Two and a Half Hours of Walking Around in the Woods Deathly Hallows. Good movie, though as with all the series the deviations from the books are noticeable. But I digress. Having seen VotDT for a second time, I I take it back. The movie was really not good without the source's charm and origional storyline. So, I now give it a 25/50. Not that it matters now.

Hmmm, what else?

I have suddenly become obsessed with saior songs, like this one that you may recognize from Spongebob Squarepants.

I know, right? Anyway, I have something new for later this week. Stay tuned!

Or not.